Th 15 June
We 14 June
no language barrier|50 [min]

Voodoo-kabbala-jukebox! Horror-shame-despair! This machine kills fascists!

An existential horror about the longing for a deliverance that never comes.

Rituals containing incantations and similar psychic activities: voodoo, black magic, cargo cults, waving around a dead chicken, reading rune marks on circuit boards. An absurd dark grotesque that combines the clichés of happy industrial life with slowly growing scepticism in all of western culture, where the demons of the old world have strayed into a new era where they don’t know the rules, just like its citizens.A dark entertainment program that attempts to tame the errant demons of the old world who are as unsure of the new age as its inhabitants. A group of self-proclaimed healers and correctors of the world resort to increasingly bizarre acts on stage. Against the growing emptiness, they counteract with superficial rituals copied from National Geographic books and learned from B-movies. The world hurtles ahead leaving no trace of the mysterious. But there's always time for a nice moment with a song. 

From the dictionary of programming lingo: "Rain dance"

1. Any activity intended to solve a hardware problem with the expectation of zero effect.

2. Any sequence of mysterious actions performed toward a computer in order to achieve a certain goal. Usually limited to rituals involving incantations and similar psychic activities. Voodoo programming, black arts, cargo cult programming, dead chicken waving, reading runic characters from printed circuit boards.

Prepared by: Dörner, Procházka, Smolík, Kalivoda, Svatoš
Supported by: hlavní město Praha, Ministerstvo kultury ČR,, Zázemí z.s. 
Premiere: 29. 9. 2009, MeetFactory
Renewed premiere: 18. 1. 2018, Venuše ve Švehlovce

PQ+ is an accompanying programme of the festival Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space, presenting contemporary Czech scenographic and performance production to an international professional audience.

PQ+ is organised by the PerformCzech / Arts and Theatre Institute in collaboration with PQ and is financially supported by the Czech Recovery Plan, NextGenerationEU.