Th | 13 | March 20:00 |
2025 |
Manucinema is a performance of real-time film-making in interaction with music. Tuia manipulates a set made by all sort of objects in front of her miniDV camera. All action is filmed and projected in real-time on a big screen. The whole process happens at the presence of audience. Objects and animation always change from performance to performance.
No dramaturgy, no script, no storyboard are previously composed, all the film’s story comes out in the very present moment, inspired by Eugenio Sanna’s music, which is completely improvised too. The aim of Manucinema is to explore, by a very low-technology equipment, a soustainable way to create and experience cinema within groupes of people. The free association between object and their different symbolic, the random accidents occurring by animating materials, the sudden changes of atmospheres suggested by the music, and a very emotional way to touch, to act and to film, produce a unique onirical, psychedelique, collective experience.
Tuia Cherici
Self-taugh visual artist, living in Cévennes, south France. Since 2003 she produces animation videos and documentaries developing a very personal handcraft technic of stop-motion and real-time animation. Since 2006 she started to perform her real-time cinema, Manucinema, with Eugenio Sanna and other music improvisers in Italy, France, Japan, United States, Belgium and other countries. She has been improving her Manucinema project by performing with many different musicians (Tristan Honsinger, Edoardo Ricci, Else Vandeweyer, Axel Doerner, Yasumune Morishige, Tomomi Adachi,
Mitsuru Tabata, Masahiko Ueji). Since 2013 she has been collaborating with anthropologist Arianna Cecconi on an ethnographic and art’s research on dreams and sleep in the environment of Marseille’s suburbs. She realises a dreamsharing apparatus called Oniroscope to investigate the social aspects of dream related to life’s condition, migration, social discrimination and culture, through a public interactive visual performance.
Eugenio Sanna
Eugenio Sanna is a guitarist who developed as improviser working with Derek Bailey, Phil Minton, Tristan Honsinger, John Zorn, Eddie Prevost and many other musicians He is one of the founders of CRIM (Centro per la Ricerca sull'Improvvisazione Musicale) in Pisa, active in Italy since 1976. He's been performing in music festivals throughout all Europe. Sanna collaborates also with theater groups such as Giuseppe Chiari's Fluxus, and Flavia Bucciero's Movimento In Actor and with several dancers. Since 1994 he's periodical lecturer at NY University (Departement of Electronics and
Contemporary Music). His improvisational approach inspired him to develop an own pedagogical method of teaching music with therapeutical pourpose in different social environments.