We | 09 | June 20:00 |
2021 | |
Sa | 17 | October 20:00 |
Our Velvet Revolution was a turning point for most of us. Manifest of Possibilities does not want to be an objective enumeration of events. It is a manifesto of different perspectives from which we can look at the revolution and at the times coming after.
“…One of the most important values of the revolution was the feeling of solidarity. Key values included humanity, human dignity ... today we have to ask to what extent reform post-revolutionary laws have in mind these values. ... Another central value of the revolution was freedom. However, the ethical anchorage of freedom and social dimension has largely disappeared in the post-revolutionary era of transformation. As early as 1990, the idea of freedom was reduced to a free market. The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 allowed the emergence of an enormous scale experiment. This experiment influenced the whole of Europe: the nations that had formed the Eastern Bloc had been reshaped to conform to the Western neoliberal system and thus be subject to a regime of liberalization, deregulation and privatization.”
- Philipp Ther: New Order of the Old Continent_ The story of neoliberal Europe
Concept, direction, texts, choreography: Petra Fornayová
With: Anna Čonková, Soňa Kúdelová, Soňa Macejáková, Jana Machútová, Libuša Puškárová, Silvia Sviteková
Dramaturgy: Peter Šulej
Video: Boris Vitázek
Music: Ambróz Šulej
Photographies used in the performance: Juraj Fifík
Scene: Petra Fornayová, Boris Vitázek
Costumes: Iveta Haasová
Technical direction, light design, scene fabrication: Slavomír Šmálik
Production: AST, Tereza Michalová
Performance has been supported from public funds by the Slovak Arts Council.
Partners: Bratiislava Self-Governing Region, Gallery of the City of Bratislava, Vlna association, Euromotor s.r.o.
Thanks for the support: Zora Leščáková, Bratislava Old Town Centre for Culture and Education, štok s.r.o., Marek Debnár