Tereza Říčanová
CZ|30 [min]

The Grey Wolf is a fairy tale focused on primarily the younger audience. The story about the Firebird who steals golden apples. About brave Ivan, who almost always messes up everything, but has a strong assistant… it is an enormous black Grandwolf, and even though he kills Ivan’s horse in the depths of a forest (which is the gloomiest place in the story, so we will warn you beforehand to use earplugs and close your eyes), but it will all help Ivan in the end. The story ends with a wedding, a shiny-new castle and happy ever after. So, if you want to see the Grandwolf and the most beautiful woman of all (who will be carried in the steel teeth of the beast) do not hesitate to come!

Striking punk theatre by Tereza Říčanová consists only of several decaying boxes and a crazy children’s book illustrator. Sometimes her box actors get so hyped up that the theatre eventually ends up completely different.

Tereza Říčanová (*1947)
She is an absolvent of SUPŠ in Prague and Illustration and Graphics at prof. Jiří Šalamoun’s studio at VŠUP. Since 1988 she’s lived in a farm in Mezná near Pelhřimov, where she is devoted to her artistic creation, four children and the farm. Presently, she also teaches at Graphic Arts School in Jihlava. In addition to her work, she is also an author of landmark icons in the Municipal Library in Prague. She also illustrated and created a number of books for the Baobab publishing house, where she received The Most Beautiful Czech Book and Zlatá Stuha awards. An album of her paintings called Noah’s Arc was nominated for the Magnesia Litera award.