Before using a fogger, you must remove all animals, including aquarium fish. The physical removal process is lengthy, labor-intensive, and ineffective. Even if you wanted to kill them, they far outnumber you and you are destined to lose the fight. Some can be eradicated only if your neighbors participate as well. Dry yourself some lavender, hops, lilac, or walnut leaves, and sew some small cotton bags. Finally, check the success of your efforts and, if necessary, eradicate any new-born individuals. Finally, Wariot Ideal has no solution.
Devised by: Vojta Švejda, Jan Kalivoda, Jan Dörner, Milena Dörnerová
Alfred ve dvoře Theatre is supported by City of Prague, Ministry of Culture, State Fund of Culture of the Czech Republic, Prague 7 The District of Art and Culture.