We 09 April
Th 10 April
Th 10 April
in Czech|55 [min]

Jiří Austerlitz and the Boca Loca Lab group focus on voiceband adaptation of texts as well as on scenic compositions on the border of theatre and music. This time they used a classic literary work as source material. Their goal is to strip Mácha of a glossy layer of sentiment, in order to embrace the passionate, cruel, and burning aspects of his poetry. After all, Máj is a poem about love. However, it also deals with the terror of nothingness and the quest for the meaning of life. Four actors move in virtuoso fashion from voiceband choruses to heartfelt solo statements. Musician Michal Cáb is present on stage where he reacts by means of instruments, noisemakers, cymbals, and a modular synthesizer.

Directed and composed by: Jiří Austerlitz
Performed by: Vendula Holičková, Bára Mišíková, Pavol Smolárik, Daniel Šváb
Live sound & music: Michal Cáb
Lightdesign and video: Pavel Havrda
Costumes: Kateřina Housková
Production: Jedefrau.org

Premiere: 23 May 2022, Alfred ve dvoře, Prague

The theatre group Boca Loca Lab was founded in 2007 by director and author Jiří Adámek, now Jiří Austerlitz. The group has been using principles of musical composition as a primary framework for their projects. In recent years, they have introduced Installation Art. Their style is defined by minimalist acting, experiments in text and voice, and a one-of-a-kind approach to props that takes cues from puppetry as well as Conceptual Art.

Michal Cáb is a musician, visual artist, and teacher (1980). He studied theology as well as in the postgraduate program at the Academy of Performing Arts (The Studio of Intermedia with Tomáš Vaněk). As a musician, he explores the realm of noise by means of improvisation and programming in Pure Data language. He collaborates with a number of theatres and visual artists on theatre and exhibition projects. He often creates his own synthesizers and other musical instruments.

Supported by: the Czech Literary Fund Foundation, Ministry of Culture, BodyVoiceBand z.s., MOTUS z.s.

foto: Martin Špelda
foto: Martin Špelda
foto: Martin Špelda
foto: Martin Špelda
foto: Martin Špelda