Secondhand Women
CZ/EN|60 [min]

Small talk about nothing...

Is it possible to have a dialogue on the plan of one sentence? What can we say to each other at the coffee machine before the colleague pours the coffee? And will we return to the coffee machine repeatedly for such a conversation? Is it really necessary to carry the weight of the world, its difficulties and tragedies, on our shoulders all our lives, or is a woman of a certain age free to indulge in a simple conversation about the weather? How is the Weather? explores the limits of the possibilities of banal conversations, lightens heavy stories, chops memories to pieces and throws them away with laughter. Because we're here right now. All together. Self-contained and equal. At odds and reconciled. With our everyday, with our talks, with our laughter and our lightness.

The international women's theatre collective Secondhand Women celebrates 20 years of its stage existence with its seventh author’s project. "In those two decades, we've taken the stage to discuss women, men, money, the end of the world and power struggles. So why can't we talk about the weather for a while..."
"Now we make a small talk into the big talk.".

Authors/Performers: Halka Jeřábek Třešňáková, Daniela Voráčková, Petra Lustigová, Helene Kvint (DNK), Stefania Thors (IS)
Direction: Rebekka A. Ingimundardottir (IS)
Stage design and costumes: Daniela Klimešová
Sound design: Jan Burian
Light design: Jan Dörner
Video art: Jaroslav Hrdlička
Production: Milena Dörnerová

Premiere: 4. 12. 2023, Alfred ve dvoře, Praha

Supported by: Evropská unie (NextGenerationEU), Národní plán obnovy, Ministerstvo kultury, hlavní město Praha, Státní fond kultury ČR, Městská část Praha 7, Danish Arts Foundation, Godsbanen, MOTUS z. s. - produkce divadla Alfred ve dvoře, Čtyři dny z.s.