Martin Smolka, Jiří Adámek
In czech with english subtitles|75 [min]

This “hushed” opera is composed of lists, series, catalogues and indexes, beginning with the most familiar such as the alphabet or the table of the elements. The lists may feel banal – or also dizzying, for instance when it comes to the fantastic imaginary cities of Italo Calvino or the images of an “incomprehensible universe” in the magical stories of Jorge Luis Borges. But the main sources of inspiration for the creators of this opera format were Umberto Eco and his voluminous book The Infinity of Lists.

Director, libretto: Jiří Adámek
Composer: Martin Smolka
Stage-design: Ivana Kanhäuserová
Sound-design: Jan Veselý
Light-design: Jan Kalivoda, Ivana Kanhäuserová
Speakers: Vendula Holičková, Bára Mišíková, Pavol Smolárik a Daniel Šváb
Countertenor: Jan Mikušek
String Quartet of Pavel Bořkovec: Alexej Aslamas, Ondřej Hás, Matěj Kroupa, Štěpán Drtina
Piano: Jana Holmanová
Harph: Hedvika Mousa Bacha

Premiere: 27. 6. 2016, Alfred ve dvoře

Supported by: MOTUS, produkce divadla Alfred ve dvoře, hlavní město Praha, Ministerstvo kultury ČR, Státní fond kultury ČR, městská část Praha 7, Harmonie, HIS Voice, Radio 1 a